Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Not much is new

I really did not mean to make this a once a month blog. I really do need to get better with updating. Unfortunately, not a whole lot has happened in January. I've been on a few interviews, but no job offers. No promotional jobs. Luckily Uloop has been here to keep me occupied during the days.

Working from home is an interesting thing. I seem to wake up at 10:10am every morning, without setting an alarm. I wake up, watch Price is Right while reading/responding to emails, job searching, then do Uloop work from 11am-4 or 5pm every day. I watch almost the same tv shows every day. I usually don't get out of my pajamas until 1 or 2pm. This doesn't sound that great, but there definitely are some perks. Hours are flexible, dress code is extremely flexible, and I can watch whatever lame sitcoms I want while I work. Of course, I miss working with people, but I'm sure that I will be on a permanent schedule with no flexibility soon enough. I've also begun having a routine of night activities, which has made the weeks more enjoyable.

So, I keep on job searching. I keep on interviewing. I keep on doing what I can to get by. Things on the horizon are working the Chicago Auto Show February 12-21st, possibly Vegas the first week of March, then Cancun the end of March. It would almost be easier not to get a full time job till April, but of course I can't hope for that. If someone offers be a full time job tomorrow in a salary range I can live on, I'll have to take it.

There's a lot of thinking of, well, how would life be if I were still at Jimmy John's? I'd be going to Vegas this weekend for them. Almost everyone I worked with before is still working for them. It's been four months of semi-unemployment, but I'm still confident I made the right decision. Every time I go to Map Room on a Tuesday, or bowling with co-workers on a Wednesday, I know the decision was the right one. I'm surviving, I'm making money, I have a social life. Instead of feeling like my life is on hold, it's in progress. Of course, a full time job would be nice again, but things are ok. I'll update more. 2010 and my 24th year of life will be better than the last, I'm positive.