Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Halloween: Chicago Style

Halloween the past few years for me has been really hit or miss. Last year I was flying back from Florida so had to hurry home and throw together a costume to go to a party where I only knew a handful of undergrads I still knew. The year before that, I worked as a Morganette all night and dealt with extremely drunk students at bars that were way too crowded.

This year I got to escape a college campus and do Halloween the real way. I worked at a mall all day for a promotion, but this mall did trick-or-treating, so I got to actually see little kids all dressed up on Halloween and give them candy. That tradition does still exist! After we ran out of candy after about a half hour it wasn't as fun, but I still saw a lot of adorable kids in adorable costumes. Sidenote, who knew Power Rangers were still so popular?

After work, I went home, got all dressed up (Tinkerbell again, I cheated and recycled a costume, but I had no time to shop), then hit up an apartment party then some bars. It was a really fun night and I still got to spend it with some of my favorite gals, Amy and Mary.

Amy also hosted her annual Pumpkin Party this year, in which we carved pumpkins, drank too much cider with rum, and almost had the cops called on us.

A very successful Halloween season indeed, and it's hard to believe it's November already. The weather is warmer now than it was a month ago, which is just Chicago for you. I'm jobless again in three weeks (well kind of, I probably have another one right after that), but still interviewing for full time gigs, and still keeping my head up. I'm back to working for Uloop a bit which is nice to have as well. I'm excited for the holidays coming up and enjoying those in the city.

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