Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Boulder, Colorado...Election Day

Few quick things:

The University of Colorado campus in Boulder is really pretty. It's in the foothills of the Rockies and the mountains surrounding it are so picturesque that it looks like a postcard. The rest of Boulder is a very typical college town.

I voted absentee and have been working all day, so I haven't really been keeping up with election day. We were supposed to be sampling at polling places, but there was almost no one at them, and it was really depressing to think no one was voting. It seems that early voting was a great success and got rid of a lot of the huge lines on election day.

I just got back from some drinks at Applebee's and turned on the tv just as McCain was doing his speech. Obama will be speaking in 20 minutes to accept the presidency. It's really strange to just turn on the tv and have them announce a new president. I saw tons of people (mostly some crazy 12-15 year old kids who should have been in school) screaming about voting and supporting candidates, but I feel like I missed the anticipation of the race. Has there been much of a race at all, or has it been decided for awhile now? I wonder when it seemed to be decided already.

On a different note...

Time changes are a bitch. I've gone from EST, to CST, to daylight savings, to Mountain time, all within four days. I've also gone from the Atlantic Ocean and beaches, to corn fields, to mile high Rocky Mountains, all within four days. Very strange.

1 comment:

Rachael said...

I caught the end of Obama's speech over lunch. Talk about weird. Aren't you bummed you weren't in Chicago for the announcement??? What a crazy party it was! Hope all is well in Colorado! :)